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Results for "keyword: "monasticism""
Sweeping the cloister Sweeping the cloister
The supreme importance of time The supreme importance of time
Be there but out of the way Be there but out of the way
Beauty, Wonder and Belonging An exciting and illuminating book of hours based on a deep appreciation the cosmos and its many mysteries and delights.
Making Zen Your Own Janet Jiryu Abels on meditation as a way of being more awake.
Wisdom Distilled from the Daily Joan Chittister on the importance of seeking wise direction and listening to the wisdom of others in Benedictine spirituality.
An Infinity of Little Hours A sensitive portrait of five young men who want to become Carthusian monks and the challenges they face over a five-year period.
Joyfully Together Thich Nhat Hanh's "shining light" practice to support and strengthen Sangha in the Plum Village community in France, which has to do with hospitality.
The Monks of Mount Athos A fascinating account of the author's four-month visit in 1978.
Letting Go of Second Guessing God Shares her enthusiasm for the beauties and bounties of monastic life.